Achievable Music Goals

Achievable Music Goals in the next step to build off the challenge choices of goal setting. One of the main stumbling blocks with goal setting is balancing an ambition with capability. It’s in the recognition of believing that the objective is achievable and in the ability of skill to get there.

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Music Study Successful Goal-Setting

Picking the right goal is about challenge and a balance of working within your capability and outside of your current accomplishments.

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From Excitement of Learning Music to the Fear of Playing

There is a phenomenon that occurs when learning music that takes place over time. The excitement of the new beginner is fantastic and then slowly as one learns more and more and hears others play the fear of performing for others starts to set in.

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A Method to Learn Music Five Times Faster

Learning music five times faster is about learning how to learn and putting known methods into practice, pun intended.

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Reboot for a Better Practice

An idea about taking a short break, clearing the mind, and refocusing your energy. It’s called a reboot.

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Ways to Retain What You Learn In Music

When learning music, one of the biggest issues is how you retain what you learn. This isn’t the memorization issue; it’s about understanding and retaining the principles and rules used to define music and other studies.

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Change a Note Change a Chord

Changing a Note Changes a Chord, in so doing it expresses a new sound and emotion. Four basic chords and what you can learn in expressing music and expressing life.

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