music knowledge

Video and pdf summarizing the Christmas Song arrangement by stepping through series covered over the last couple of months. Enjoy..

Using music theory in arrangements, part 9 finishes up the initial 4 measures by finishing the secondary melody line.

Part 8. continuing to arrange the Christmas Song treble clef with the addition of more chord notes.

In part 7 of arranging the Christmas song I’ve taken a departure from the smooth bass line initially created. This is going to add a whole new dynamic to this part of the song. Let’s take a look…

Arranging and composing your own music can be the most frustrating or fulfilling thing you might try in music. This series will explore using music theory to help you through that process. Part 1 …

“It’s great to hear that you are creating your own bass lines. That process will serve you well, not only because you get a bass player to “jam” with, but because it will address the same skills needed for soloing.” Some general guidelines to keep in mind:

Over the years I’ve been exposed to sitting in on the tail end of many students lessons and have observed what they were learning. These occurrences allowed for a new educational experience. It gave me an ability to learn music by only thinking and not implementing.

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