Pick The Right Musical Instrument For Your Little One

Finding the right musical instrument for your child can be a tough task. What makes it even tougher is if your child hasn’t expressed interest in learning a particular instrument yet or if you have limited knowledge on the types of instruments yourself. There are so many choices of instruments today, and so many reasons […]

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The Musical Advantage: Helping Your Child Succeed In Education

When music speaks, the soul listens, but does the brain also take note? Involvement in the process of music-making has been shown to maximize creative intellectual capacity and benefit concentration levels. Whether you are creating a new masterpiece of improvised melody or racing through an historic cadenza, playing music has numerous advantages.  Can music help […]

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Music – The One Language The World Speaks

You do not have to travel too far from your home to notice that the language you are hearing spoken has changed slightly from what you are used to. It might be that some words are pronounced slightly differently or there are different, colloquial words being used that you don’t recognise, yet you should still […]

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10 Simple Ways of Improving Your Musicianship Cont’d (part 2):

A continuation of 1-5… Enjoy! 6. Play with people! As obvious as this may be, for many, it may not be so… Many musicians are more than comfortable playing solo at home for ourselves, or our friends and family, but it is totally different when you play with another person (or a whole band). So […]

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10 Simple Ways of Improving Your Musicianship (part 1):

In every musicians development, regardless of experience, level of playing, style, or age, there is always more to learn and ways to improve.Many of us (if not all), at some point can get into a rut, or get creatively stifled. Whether or not you find your self in that situation, or just want to get […]

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How to Effectively Write Lyrics to a Rhythm

Being music-minded when you’re writing lyrics can prevent your lyrics from sounding wordy. Wordy lyrics can negatively affect your melody. For that reason, I want to address how you can write lyrics that can easily be sung in a melody. The Spoken Rhythm The rhythm of a line happens as a result of a pattern […]

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Learn to Read Music a Self Study Approach

Learning to read music is a like learning a new language. There are supplemental home study programs to speed up the process of learning music. Here are some suggestions.

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