So You Want to Write Music

Writing Music is a dream of many musicians, Guest Author and Composer-Teacher, Bob Reno talks to us about writing music and music theory. Read more…

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Musical Masters Success in 10,000 Hours

Musical Masters have spend thousands of hours achieving their success, and with the 10,000 rule all that have made it that far have become masters. What does that mean to you…

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Playing Music is about Succeeding in Preparation

I read a different prospective that we actually succeed, not by making disconnected moves, but by creating a context for success. Let’s examine what this might do for you…

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Flexible Music Goals

The last consideration in goal setting is to understand that your strategies, tactics, and goals need to be flexible. We all know that nothing is consistent except for change itself. Staying on course and going down the right road requires us to adapt to changing circumstances.

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Framing Your Music Goals in Positive Terms

Frame your goals in positive terms, negative terms are self defeating and plant seeds for failure. More…

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Put a Time Limit to Your Music Goal

One of the hardest to deal with is giving goals deadlines, or realistic due dates, or even the the novel concept of a payoff.

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Specific Music Goals

New music goals selected, now you need to get specific about the music goal; the more specific the better. Start a framework for getting very specific about learning your goal. Example…

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