Software Tools

There are various software tools that musicians can use that help out your daily life. In this new section of the blog I highlight some tools that I use to to help me with the various tasks we all share.

As a big music fan, I hugely adore the feeling of going to a live concert. There’s definitely nothing quite like it! The noise filled lighted arena, the stars and other hardcore fans sharing the moments with you. Now if only it would be easier to get tickets in every concert then the experience would […]

With the rise in popularity of electronic music in recently music production software companies are offering their products at much cheaper prices. Just about anyone can produce music in their home now with ease and just a little bit of knowledge of how it works. MIDI Files One of the main components of producing electronic […]

RoboForm is a software password vault that you can use for your daily computer browsing and work. It saves your password and login pages as well as your personal information.

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