Does this technique of ownership get you to the expected outcome? Are you relying on your teacher to much to help you achieve your goals? Do you let them produce an outcome or are you taking the lead and determining your own outcomes? Today I submit to you that the final outcomes of our learning […]

Studying music without and instrument is possible and suggested. Just because you don’t have an instrument in front of you doesn’t mean you can’t study, there are a number of things you can do.

Proper use and understanding of sharp and flat symbols is essential for playing music. These modifiers can and are a problem for new students.

A discussion on how and what music intervals mean. It’s related to the major scale and is essential in understanding if you truly want to be a good musician.

Insights into gaining music knowledge and impressions of students that learn music need consideration in teaching and learning. Understanding effort and knowledge may be a better key to overcoming these impressions.

Music practice hurdle, is it hard to spend all that time practicing. Yes, it can be a burden when what you’d rather be doing is playing with the neighbor or getting out on the golf course. Scheduling and planning can make a difference.

The statement that learning piano is hard comes up a lot. Actually you hear this from time to time about every instrument. But why are these students actually making such statements? Let’s speculate about the issues that may be contributing to learning a musical instrument of any type. First and foremost in my mind is […]

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